Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Nin9es

Kerry and I rented this movie, The Nines, last night. It was almost scary. It had an edge of horror. says this about the plot:
A troubled actor, a television show runner, and an acclaimed videogame designer find their lives intertwining in mysterious and unsettling ways.

I'll add that it involves Ryan Reynolds being a sort of schitzophrenic god trapped in his own videogame. Yeah? I thought it wasn't a bad movie, quite original (no small feat these days). Also, Ryan Reynolds takes his shirt off. His abs made me forget Brad Pitt's name. Seriously. The cast also includes Melissa McCarthy (Sookie of Gilmore Girls), Hope Davis (who Kerry thinks I should know, but I've never seen before. She's in About Schmidt and Proof), and David Denman (The Office's Roy). Recommend.

In other news.... The writer's strike is over!!!! Yay!!!! Last night I watched The Daily Show and Colbert Report and the hosts had scripts! There were words in the teleprompters! It was brrrrilliant. I'm so happy. You know what this means. New TV is coming back. Scrubs, The Office, effing Grey's Anatomy. I'm beyond thrilled. Other good news: it looks like the only show not coming back is Bionic Woman. Those writers deserve it. That show never would've gotten picked up if good shows were being written.


Vote Obama (unless you already have. in that case give cash.)


miranda. said...

My dad actually donated to Obama's campaign. This isn't necessarily a good thing, because my dad has a track record of donating to losers. But it looks like the jinx is over. Yeah, Obama!