Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blog Overload

So I've been rather absent from My Heartwarming Stories, but it surprises me because I've written something like 12 blog posts since I last posted here.

I've gotten myself into trouble with my love of blogging. The weekend was spent partially powering through a big portion of Atonement and doing chapter-by-chapter entries on Unimaginary Book Club. Like 9 chapters.

(I also spent a big portion of my weekend watching the entirety of Veronica Mars Season 3 – because a girl needs balance in her life.)

I then spent part of today (at Van Meter's behest) making an entirely new blog, which is to be a private account of all the drama stories of the girls in college. So I'm not going to be the primary contributor, but as the bloggiest of the ladies, I am the administrator.

When I'm not pouring my real life into my blog life, I'm spending quality time being an engineer. I was in the lab working on my big project from 2 until 7 today. Too long.

Upcoming excitement:

  • Finishing Atonement (still a while off, because I'm just over half-way through)
  • Tailgating and watching Clemson baseball Saturday
  • Being in the same state as my boyfriend for the entire weekend
  • Baking bread with Michelle who is now on her no-processed-foods diet
  • Putting my Spanish Lit Midterm behind me

It's may not seem thrilling to you, but every bullet on that list gives me warm fuzzies. Such is my life.


miranda. said...

We don't get Sci-Fi Channel anymore. I think we could get it if we got a fancier cable package, but it's not really worth it, as much as I'd like to watch Scully and Mulder in the Daytime.