Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blush Much?

We all know that I don't embarrass that easily. So it was pretty awesome yesterday when I got a bit rosy in the cheeks.

I'm sitting in Spanish Lit, listening to the brilliant thoughts of my (previously mentioned, famous) teacher Pfa. Heusinkveld. I may have mentioned that she's a very sweet older lady from Iowa. She's got the awesomely high-waisted trousers in a veritable rainbow of senior-specific colors and wears her ginger hair in a bizarre page-boy cut that she curls under. Anyway as she lectures she looks around the classroom and then at her book to reference quotes from the story and occasionally reads paragraphs aloud.

All the sudden her talking sort of fades off as she's looking into the class. Then she starts giggling a bit. She comes out of her head a bit and glances around, then starts laughing harder when she realizes that none of us know why she's laughing. It takes her a moment to compose herself then says, "Me gusta tu camisa Abby" (she likes my shirt). I flush. I say "Gracias" and slump a little in my chair.

But Senora can't let it go. I sit in the front row and no one else can see my fantastic tee. So Profesora says, "Su camisa dice. 'An awkward morning beats a boring night.'"

The class chuckles. I am bright red. Senora is nearly doubled over. Its soooo wrong. The class is exchanging horrified glances. Senora is saying who true it is. Dios Mio!

Vote Obama. Today!