Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Barack-ing South Carolina

Needless to say, I'm happy. Barack rocked South Carolina hard core.

The best part is that Saturday night I was in this crappy bar in Greenville where a group of young Obamarama-ists were partying on after a long day of campaigning. I know this, not from talking to them (I'm unfriendly) but, from their t-shirts, stickers, practical walking shoes, exhausted faces, drunkenness, and their tireless shrieks of joy every single time Barack's face or polling numbers flashed across the screen on CNN--which was frequent.

So that was entertaining. Plus I was in G-Vegas with Melissa and JD & Jennifer and Josh & Ann and Kerry. A very quality group of bar mates.

Also, Sunday Melissa and I saw 27 Dresses. It was pretty romantic-comedy-tastic. Kathrine Heigl is always funnier than I expect her to be and James Marsden is totally hot. Plus there's a scene where the two dance on the bar singing "Benny and the Jets", one of my all-time favorite Elton John songs. Love it.

Coming up in life-- Weddings in Ashville, Super Bowl, papers about the influence of Ariel and Caliban in modern Mexican literature. Yeah. Be jealous.

Vote Obama.