Friday, January 25, 2008

Barack Day!!!

Today Barack is coming to Clemson.

My joy runneth over. Michelle and I are ready to camp out for good seats/spots. Security around this place is tight.

I actually have no idea what else to say about this. But you know I'm excited.

Wanna hear an awesome story about making friends? Last night at TTT I saw this guy from my spanish class (whose name I don't know, whom I've never spoken to) and I remembered that my espanol-speaking friend Michelle is always looking for spanish-talkers to practice with. So we go over to him and I'm like, "Hi, I don't remember your name."

He says, "Ah, me llamo Pablo, que tal?"
Then I mumble something in spanglish because I've had several beers and its insanely loud in this bar and I don't understand a word of his response but in fantastic Michelle-style she jumps in and starts habla-ing with him so I turn to introduce myself to the rest of the group. Immediately, the kid next to Pablo goes, "You're in my spanish class."

Um, sure. I've never seen this kid before in my life. But, I'm not friendly in class so its possible. Turns out Casey is in my Lit class, and studied abroad at Pablo's university and now Pablo is here. In the meantime Michelle is inviting strangers to her house so she can feed them. Awesomeness.

The end.

Vote Barack.


Anonymous said...

Congrat South Carolina for giving Barack the big win!