Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome to the End

Its true. After last semester (which was awful) I'm back baby. And I'm nearly finished.

So! On deck for this semester:
Hispanic Film
Narrative Fiction (en espanol)
Spanish Business
Engineering Design Lab

and that's it... Nothing more. I'm gonna be sooo bored. Which is why I'm starting a book club. Yep. Abby's Fantastic Book Club. New blog coming soon on the topic of books.

Speaking of literature- I was 4 books short of my 25 book goal last year. This year will be different. This year I'll make it. I'm already kicking. I just this week finished Dark Victory: The life of Bette Davis. It was pretty good. A little too much detail on the 'who else was up for such and such a part and Bette thought about doing this movie, but then didn't'. But other than that it was pretty cool. Yay for idols for gay men.

Over Christmas Break I got a job. So when I graduate I'll be employed by FederalMogul at their Athens, AL plant. Yay money.

Well, things are happening. But not school things so I should have plenty of time for blogging. Oh yeah.


miranda. said...

So are we just updating the blog at the start of each semester now? I know I'm not one to judge.