Saturday, February 02, 2008

Some days, they last longer than others.

Yesterday I (and my groupmates) worked on our senior design project for 8 hours. In a row. Yeah. That was not the best thing ever. But we didn't kill each other and we did get a lot done. But not everything.

After that brain-melting experience I took a little break, a little bath, a little supper, and headed out. Friend Erica's birthday was this week and so we did a tour of Clemson's downtown complete with bar-hopping, shots, ex-boyfriend sightings and near catfights.

As a special treat, some young co-eds were "golfing" through downtown in scandalous argyle outfits. (Yeah argyle can be scandalous.) Apparently one of the "holes" was acquiring a young man's shorts. We discovered this when we saw two giggling girls follow a gentleman to the men's room and come running back out whipping a pair of boxers over her head lasso-style. Later we overheard some boys discussing which of the young ladies he'd give up his shorts to. Very classy.

Words of the day: Hussies, Unmentionables.

Made it home eventually and had to be on campus early again, but not early enough for McDonald's breakfast. Sigh.

Leaving for Ashville in an hour for a wedding. Expect photos of me looking fabulous. My hair is the hottness. So will be my shoes.

Vote Obama.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like the bachlorette party from the Wedding Date:

Debra Messing in a short skirt & knee socks -
Nick-Why the socks?
Kat - It is a golf theme