Friday, February 09, 2007

John Mayer

Yesterday Lauren VM, Dia and I went to see John "the love of Dia's life" Mayer. He's just like he is on his albums. So if you love that you would die of happiness to see him live. If you don't love it, you aren't confronted with something unpleasant or unfamiliar.

I like him (not love). I did have a fabulous time at the concert. There was an insanely drunk girl in a conservative sweater set in the row in front of us. Betting on whether she'd do a header over the railing in front of her was really entertaining.

After the show we went to the Capitol, took some pictures and did not get arrested. But barely. Good times. Lauren has the pics, I'll post a few when she uploads them.

What being at a concert really did for me though was get me excessively excited about Joe Firstman! Woooooo! I'm trying not to get myself worked up too early (still a month to wait) but its hard.

Today after dragging my unrested butt to Spanish and 368, Melissa and I went and got her Pierced!!! The dude had just opened and he made us wait like an hour in his frigid cold waiting area, but it was worth it. Melissa was so brave, she didn't even scream. She did curse. But I mean how could you not? Plus she has the cutest little tiny tummy thats starting to get tan and muscular from the crunches and self-tanner. She's too hot to handle.

Pics to follow-