Sunday, April 22, 2007

Luv Futbol-ers

7:45 Lauren VM calls and invites me to a random party

10:45 Lauren, Michelle and I head off to L's friend "Darryl"'s place

11:00 We are assigned to Darryl's team, the Twisters. Turns out Darryl and friends are soccer players. And hotties.

11:01 We're playing/cheering for drinking games against Team Tornado

12:00 The entire party is involved in Survivor Flip Cup

1:00 The Twisters come back to win Survivor Flip Cup after being down to 2 players against 6

1:15 Team T-Shirts are distributed to remaining partiers

1:30 Both team hit the intramural fields barefooted to play some soccer.

2:00 The sprinklers come on

2:40 Twisters, muddy and freezing, win!!!

3:00 I stumble into my room, feet positively caked with mud, shoes full of sprinkler water. I hose myself down in the shower and tumble shivering into bed.

A good night.


Anonymous said...

that really does sound like my kind of party!!! unfortunatly our soccer fields are 1. at another campus 2. the ones on main campus are turf i.e. no sprinklers and 3. prolly strewn with broken glass and empty bullet caseings i.e. no walkin around barefooted.... so i'll have to come party like that with you next year!!! love ya!!!